MGAP, or Minnesota Greek Alumni Partnership, is a group of Alumni/ae from various groups within the Greek community that volunteer on our behalf. They focus on university relations, alumni relations, collegiate relations, and housing.
Paul DeBettignies ’95, Deke Chapter Advisor, is the Secretary of MGAP. MGAP has both a web site and a Blog.
This is their bi-weekly email from last week:
Welcome to the Bi-Weekly MGAP email. While we normally send this on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month we are sending it this week ahead of the holiday weekend and the vacations many are taking. The next MGAP email will be sent on July 20.
-There is a lot of news within the Greek community in the last two weeks, which are noted by the Blog entries below, but we would like to start on a more serious note.
-Ryan Bade, FIJI undergraduate, was critically injured and is in a coma at the St. Cloud Hospital. Please click this link for more information.
-We appreciate the support Vice Provost Jerry Rinehart has given us this past year. As the Alumni/ae representatives to the University Greek Partnership Board, formerly Greek Action Council, we look forward to working with him and other University officials on implementing the Partnership Statement. See the Blog entry Greek Action Council, June Meeting Notes.
-MGAP will continue to communicate with and solicit response from all of the house corporations, advisory boards, and alum groups regarding the Partnership Statement and provide information and updates on topics like the University Streetscape Proposal and Greek Community Planning Sessions.
-If you would like to volunteer with us and have a certain area of expertise or interest please send me a message and I will be sure to answer your questions and forward your interest on to the MGAP Officer in charge of that area.
Blog entries:
Undergraduate Critically Injured In Accident
MGAP House Corporation Meeting Notes
Greek Action Council, June Meeting Notes
Restorative Justice (MN Daily Article)
IFC & PHC Fall Speaker Confirmed
Marcy-Holmes Annual Meeting Notes
Greek Community Planning Session
We hope you and your family have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend.
Lorna Fox
MGAP President