MGAP, or Minnesota Greek Alumni Partnership, is a group of Alumni/ae from various groups within the Greek community that volunteer on our behalf. They focus on university relations, alumni relations, collegiate relations, and housing. Our Chapter Advisor is the Secretary of MGAP. MGAP has both a web site and a Blog. This is their bi-weekly email from this week: Welcome to the Bi-weekly MGAP Email, We had thought that the month of July was going to be a slow period in the Greek community but that has not been the case. Recruitment by PHC and IFC at the orientation tables this summer was a major success. The numbers for this year are dramatically higher than recent years. This year 450 men have requested to be contacted compared to 275 in 2004. This year 600 women have requested information compared to 450 last year. Speaking of recruitment please note the posting for Panhellenic groups regarding the release figure training. All chapter officers and the advisors who are responsible for membership selection (including submission of invitation lists) are strongly encouraged to participate. There are three updates on the blog regarding Ryan Bade, FIJI Undergraduate, and there is news that he is starting to respond to stimuli. Ryan’s CaringBridge site has had an amazing 9700+ visits to date. An amazing response for a special young man. Besides the Ryan Bade story on WCCO TV we have had the new University area neighborhood association, UDIA, featured in the Star Tribune. This week the Minnesota Daily reported on a meeting regarding public safety in the 2nd precinct. The MGAP web site has been updated with the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) study with a link to each Greek property that was inventoried. All other areas of the site have been updated except for the Job/Internship page. This will be updated with new entries on August 1st. MGAP will have our next Board Meeting on Thursday, August 18. We will be starting up again for the school year and planning for the fall semester. Blog entries: Panhellenic Release Figure Training Scheduled Public Safety To Be Increased In 2nd Precinct Ryan Bade Fundraiser And Wristbands Historic Designation Study Online Marcy-Holmes Seeking Student-Resident Liaison New Update On Ryan Bade, FIJI Undergrad Update on Ryan Bade, FIJI Undergraduate Enjoy the hot weather – stay cool! Thanks,
Lorna Fox
MGAP President