This is not quite finished yet but we are putting together a month-by-month synopsis of our 2004-2005 activities. Pics for many of these events can be found by clicking this link to our Photo Gallery on our web site.
-Parents, Faculty and Alumni Day
-1700 Block Party for charity
-Initiation of the Spring semester New Member class.
-Deke invited to Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority for dinner.
-Comfort for Courage. Deke collected the most items to donate to the troops in the IFC.
-Crush Week. $400 was raised for the University of Minnesota Cancer Center. Gina Rozinka of Alpha Phi is chosen Deke Crush Queen. Lindsay Guentzel of Delta Gamma is chosen Deke Crush Princess.
-Sgt. Butha, UMPD, and Marc Karon invited to dinner. A friendly get together to talk proactively safety, risk management and weekend social gatherings.
-Vice Provost Jerry Rinehart and the newly elected IFC and PHC Presidents came over for dinner. Jerry also spoke about leadership opportunities at the U of M, the importance of Greek life to the campus, and the importance of Greeks living up to their ideals.
-Initiation of the Fall semester New Member class.
-Tim L. and Dave J. elected to serve on the IFC Executive Board
-Deke hosted Chad Ellsworth, Greek Advisor, and Mandi Sauro, Director of Student Organizations for dinner.
-Homecoming was a success like it is every year. More than 125 Alumni brought their wives and children for events on Friday and Saturday.
-Halloween party
-Visit from Dennis Gerber, DKE Director of Chapter Operations
-Deke co-sponsored two activities with Recovery Works Minnesota. Members of the fraternity volunteered at the Minnesota Twins game. Deke partnered with the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council for an evening of education on alcohol and recovery. Julie Nelson, KARE 11 News Anchor, emceed the program.